By: Mike Chen
Time traveling novels are tricky businesses. There are so many holes that you have to be aware of. For the many fantasy novels of time traveling I've read, one rule is apparent. It must obey within some relevant laws of physics, and it mustn't take the audience for ignorant fools who won't gauge at the idea of different types of loopholes. Thus, every time-traveling book must have those basics covered. This book has all of that done, whether it's in the foreground or background, the basics are covered.
This novel is overall okay, nothing grand, nothing terrible, basics covered. It's like watching a very typical summer flick about a time-traveling father who would span time and space to meet and save her daughter across time. An agency going to catch this agent of time, and like most normal summer flicks, it's done.
There's no more to this review. It's okay, very functional.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️